Station identification
In which I attempt to describe what I want to do here
I’ve been thinking about re-doing this site for a long while. I have also not done anything about that for a long while. So, here’s an attempt to stop procrastinating.
I’ve removed the entirety of the last incarnation of this site. I’ll probably add some of the content from the last version back here at some point. I could say that this site is a prototype that I’ve made so that I can learn by doing, etc, but really this currently-very-empty website is a way to trick myself into writing by making me just a little stressed that this thing exists and thus I need to do something with it.
The intention is to make this more of a blog (rather than a portfolio), posting a combination of notes, ideas, and links on as regular a basis as I can manage. This will mostly be about design, given that is what I spend most of my time thinking about, but I might occasionally add things about music or food or the weather.
Thank you to all five people who have, somewhat recently, said “oh hey why don’t you put this thing you just did on the internet”.