Redesigning a value investing equity analysis tool from the ground up.
Investment bankers have many styles, and they all think they are right. Understanding Redburn’s notion of an equity’s life cycle was our first step.
We needed a typology of investment styles to help us isolate user types and identify approaches for serving them.
User research led us to a core notion of list making as the fundamental mechanism of the app, made for experts who all have their own criteria for evaluating the world.
The second fundamental mechanism needed to provide a way to examine a list. We created a set of views that displayed the lists from a variety of angles.
After the core product was developed we added framing material, like the homepage and research portal.
A mobility analytics service to help cities manage traffic, parking, and emissions.
Ford Smart Mobility
Data analysis and product design to change how people think about their energy usage.
An exploration of how data about cities can be used better to engage the public.
After the Flood
A ‘calculator with context’ that helps demystify how stock options work in startups.
Index Ventures
A typeface that generates sparklines without any code.
After the Flood
Helping women and midwives communicate on the birth centre.
the NHS
New editorial data formats to engage novice fans.
Redesigning a value investing equity analysis tool from the ground up.
An interface that helps nurses and doctors do two things at once.